
Instrumentation is used to detect, measure, observe, calculate various physical quantities, material composition, physical parameters and other instruments or equipment, is a set of devices or machines prepared for a specific purpose, such as oscilloscope, power meter, tester, multimeter, etc.

Chemical analysis and analytical instruments

Using chemical and analytical instruments for testing and measurement in the real world to benefit humanity. For example, this includes applications such as environmental air and water quality monitoring, material and product analysis to improve product quality, petroleum and geophysical exploration, and deepening scientific exploration. Chemical analysis involves the use of light detection and charged ion beams, redox reactions, and other technologies. The analysis methods for implementing these technologies are selected according to the sample type and measurement characteristics, including spectroscopy, spectrometry and electrochemistry. Accurate high confidence detection, recognition, and characteristic characterization are inseparable from precise detection functions and electronic devices. ADI's excellent signal chain, sensor, power supply, and processor solutions ensure that detection limits (LOD) and accuracy are not limited by electronic product design.


Precision Analog Microcontroller with Chemical Sensor Interface


Picoamp input bias current electrometer amplifier


FET input analog front-end with ADC driver


24 bit, 250 KSPS Σ-Δ Type ADC with 20 MS setup time and true rail to rail buffer


4-channel, low noise, low-power 24-bit integrated PGA and reference voltage source Σ-Δ Type ADC


3-channel, low noise, low power consumption, 16 bit Σ-Δ Type ADC with built-in instrument amplifier


16 bit, 1 MSPS, PulSAR ADC, packaged in MSOP/LFCSP


1ppm, 20 bit, ± 1 LSB INL, voltage output DAC


16 bit, 1 MSPS, integrated data collection subsystem, packaged with LGA


Configurable impedance network analyzer and potentiostat integrated with Cortex M3 core


Integrated ARM CORTEX M3 and dual channel Σ-Δ Low Power Precision Analog Microcontroller for Type ADC

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