Household Appliance

Household appliances liberate people from heavy, trivial and time-consuming housework, create a more comfortable and beautiful, more conducive to physical and mental health of human life and work environment, provide a variety of cultural entertainment conditions, is a modern family life necessities. The high power and high voltage of household appliances will have certain security risks, which requires the use of isolation devices to eliminate the unsafe factors caused by the great pressure difference during the level conversion.  

Smart families moving towards a new era

The demand for smart home products is becoming increasingly strong

Under the influence of multiple factors such as the rapid development of 5G, the Internet of Things, and the Internet home decoration market, the Chinese smart home market has shown a thriving development trend. According to data released by Zhiyan Consulting, the market size of China's smart home industry has maintained a continuous growth trend since 2017. In 2021, the market size of China's smart home industry was around 580 billion yuan, an increase of 12.75% compared to 2020. In 2022, the market size of China's smart home industry reached 651.5 billion yuan. The China Academy of Commerce predicts that the scale of China's smart home market will exceed 715.7 billion yuan in 2023.

With the opening of the 5G commercial era in China, traditional home appliance enterprises are gradually entering the future smart home market, including smart white batteries, smart security, lighting control, HVAC control, digital video, and various smart home terminal products. Data shows that in 2021, the total shipment of smart home products in China exceeded 450 million units. It is expected that the total shipment will increase to 800 million units by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate of 15.3%.

In terms of product distribution, home video devices (televisions, set-top boxes) and smart security products (cameras, door locks) account for the highest proportion, reaching 41.3% and 17.0% respectively; The proportion of intelligent white electricity (refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines) is close to 20%, reaching 17.5%.

Policy support to promote the healthy development of smart families

Smart home is one of the nine key application demonstration projects in the Internet of Things. Since 2010, the Chinese government has continuously issued support, planning, or regulatory policies related to smart home devices. The 14th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development (2021-2025) and the Outline of Long Range Goals for 2035 in China position the digital family as a component of building a "new picture of a better digital life". In April 2021, 16 departments including the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Central Cyberspace Office, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Digital Households and Improving the Quality of Living" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions"), proposing that the service positioning of digital homes includes home intelligent services, online socialized services, and online government services, greatly expanding the scope of traditional smart homes, Clarifying that the construction of digital households is not only a key measure to deepen the supply side reform of housing and strengthen livable housing, but also an important support for the construction of new urban infrastructure. Policy support provides a favorable development environment for the development of smart homes, empowering the growth of demand for smart home devices.

Gradually Moving from Single Intelligence to Whole House Intelligence

Huawei, with its core of self-organized network and central control system, relies on strong research and development capabilities to lead the smart home industry. Huawei's All Home Intelligence has undergone significant upgrades in interaction, hosting, and scenarios. It has announced a "1+2+N" All Home Intelligence solution based on a modular design, equipped with a HarmonyOS central control system, and equipped with the latest PLC technology for all home control buses and seamless roaming technology that supports Hongmeng Mesh+, connecting N departments to expand the Hongmeng Zhilian ecosystem. On March 16, 2021, Huawei's "1+2+N" full house intelligent solution was further upgraded, releasing the full house intelligent host SE, achieving host serialization, upgrading the links and interactions between hosts and systems, and developing N subsystems such as security, lighting, shading, network, audio and video entertainment, cooling and heating fresh air, water consumption, energy consumption, home appliances, furniture and furniture. In addition, in Huawei's new generation of full house intelligence, the "millimeter wave sensing technology" in the field of intelligent driving will also be applied to households for the first time.

After two years, Hisense Smart New Life has achieved strategic results. On June 23, 2022, Hisense's natural human-computer interaction, butler style active services, and multi-dimensional health management smart home solutions were officially released to the public. With the accumulation of technology in fields such as interactive display, 5G, big data, and artificial intelligence, Hisense has built a smart home application service platform, Hisense Ailife, based on JuCloud, the largest internet television cloud platform in China, to deeply empower users in home cuisine, health, fashion, learning, social interaction, gaming, and other aspects. Hisense Smart Home has built a whole house screen network based on the "ecological screen", making the management and service flow of the whole house equipment no longer difficult. Multiple device screens, such as central control screens, TV screens, refrigerator screens, bathroom mirrors, and mobile apps, can provide consistent control content and interaction style. They can manage smart appliances, home furnishings, and ecological products in the home, breaking through the previous single point intelligence and achieving the interconnection of home appliances throughout the house.

Future Trends of Smart Households

The value of the scene is gradually released. With the popularization of various smart home products, consumers' understanding and expectations of intelligent home life are gradually increasing. The interconnection of devices and making products more intelligent have become new goals pursued by modern families. The smart home giant has provided a one-stop, scenario based solution with software and hardware collaboration, laying out a new intelligent track for the entire house.

Create a seamless connection experience. From wireless control, voice control, panel touch, to gesture control, smart home products have always been committed to experiencing intelligence through control methods. In the future, through autonomous perception, learning, and evolution, understanding user life and behavioral habits, and transforming passive command control into active intelligent response, is the evolutionary path of smart home products.

From fighting independently to developing towards compatibility. With the diversified development of users' demand for smart home products, a single product matrix is difficult to achieve user needs, and the compatibility issue between different ecological smart home products has become an important factor limiting the development of the smart home industry. The future development direction of the smart home industry is to expand ecological boundaries and merge and develop through investment cooperation, win-win cooperation, and standard agreements.

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